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Master & Sectional Syllabus Form Tabs

SmartCatalog has the ability to create and manage master and/or sectional syllabus, depending on your institutions needs.

Master Syllabus: there is only one master syllabus for every course taught at your institution no matter when or where it is taught, who teaches it, and regardless of the delivery system. 

Sectional Syllabus: A syllabus developed by an individual instructor based on the Master Syllabus. It is revised each semester, provided to the faculty member's supervisor, and given to all students, preferably on the first day of classes. The Course Syllabus provides each instructor the opportunity to individualize an approved course and to respond to the specific needs of the students and the circumstances of the class.

During implementation, you will be asked to identify which of the below setups will be used: 

Option 1: Only Master Syllabus. The following forms would be created:     

  1. New Master Syllabus
  2. Modify Master Syllabus
  3. Create New Master Syllabus Based on Existing

Option 2: A Master Syllabus is used to create a template for each course that is the foundation for creating Sectional Syllabus. The following forms would be created:   

  1. New Master Syllabus
  2. Modify Master Syllabus
  3. New Sectional Syllabus
  4. Modify Sectional Syllabus
  5. Create New Syllabus Based on Existing

Option 3: Only Sectional Syllabus. The following forms would be created:     

  1. New Sectional Syllabus
  2. Modify Sectional Syllabus
  3. Create Sectional Syllabus Based on Existing

Note: The "Create New Based on Existing" form will pull from the existing syllabi that have been created in the system. The selected syllabus will populate the form fields, but can then be modified and used to create a new syllabus. This is used when information is similar between semesters or years and only dates and/or the course information needs to be adjusted.