Styled Headings Converted to Online Catalog
In the Images Below:
- Each Heading 1-4 in your Styled Document (L) translates to a separate page in the Navigation of your Catalog (R) or Handbook
- Heading 1 (General Information) is the first level of navigation (L)
- Heading 2 would be nested under a Heading 1 as in the example shown
- Heading 1 - General Information
- Heading 2 - Our Philosophy
- Heading 2 - Our History
- Heading 2 - Our Mission
- Heading 2 - Our Values
- Heading 2 - Our Approach
- Heading 3 (Not Shown) would nest under Heading 2; Heading 4 (Not Shown) would nest under Heading 3
- Bolding Normal Text, as in the Example of Our Approach: Assessment & Accreditation Planning, Bolding makes the text noticeable without creating a separate navigation page.
Styled Document- Starter Template Navigation in Catalog